chembox usage

To use chembox in a project, import all chembox libraries:

from chembox.chembox import *

get_elements function

The first step into calculating any chemical formulas is to get all fundamental chemistry elements. The get_elements function extracts all fundamental elements from an input chemistry molecule and results in a dictionary of the composed elements and their counts.

# One substance combination
{'H': 20, 'C': 10}
# Two substance combination
{'O': 12, 'S': 3, 'Al': 2}
# Multiple of single substances
{'H': 2, 'Li': 1}

is_valid function

is_valid function checks whether the given chemistry molecule is chemically valid based on periodic table.

# Calcium carbonate (a common salt)
# Sodium hydroxide (a common base)
# Carbonic acid (a common acid)

get_molec_props function

get_molec_props function returns a dataframe with various atomic properties of each element in the molecule

Symbol Name AtomicNumber AtomicMass Density(g/cm3) AtomicRadius(pm) Config ShellConfig OxiStates
0 H Hydrogen 1 1.008000 0.000090 53.0 1s1 1,,,,,, 1
1 O Oxygen 8 15.999000 0.001429 48.0 [He] 2s2 2p4 2,6,,,,, -2
2 Na Sodium 11 22.989769 0.971000 190.0 [Ne] 3s1 2,8,1,,,, 1
Symbol Name AtomicNumber AtomicMass Density(g/cm3) AtomicRadius(pm) Config ShellConfig OxiStates
0 Ca Calcium 20 40.078 1.540000 194.0 [Ar] 4s2 2,8,8,2,,, 2
1 Cl Chlorine 17 35.450 0.003214 79.0 [Ne] 3s2 3p5 2,8,7,,,, -1,1,3,5,7
Symbol Name AtomicNumber AtomicMass Density(g/cm3) AtomicRadius(pm) Config ShellConfig OxiStates
0 Al Aluminium 13 26.981538 2.698000 118.0 [Ne] 3s2 3p1 2,8,3,,,, 3
1 C Carbon 6 12.011000 2.267000 67.0 [He] 2s2 2p2 2,4,,,,, -4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4
2 H Hydrogen 1 1.008000 0.000090 53.0 1s1 1,,,,,, 1
3 O Oxygen 8 15.999000 0.001429 48.0 [He] 2s2 2p4 2,6,,,,, -2
4 S Sulfur 16 32.060000 2.067000 88.0 [Ne] 3s2 3p4 2,8,6,,,, -2,2,4,6

get_combustion_equation function

get_combustion_equation function returns a dataframe with a balanced combustion equation for the given molecule.

C2H4 O2 CO2 H2O
0 1 3 2 2
C4H6 O2 CO2 H2O
0 2 11 8 6
C5H12 O2 CO2 H2O
0 1 8 5 6